Medical Information
Please be aware that First Aid is located in Macquarie Hunter Club Room (uniform room). If first aid is required please request assistance by reporting to the office. If unattended go to the finish line and request for first aide officer.
All accidents must be reported and recorded in first aid register.
We currently have members of our club that have certain medical requirements. We ask that all athletes at risk bring all necessary requirements to assist with their wellbeing. I.e. asthmatics carry ventolin. However, not all medical safety rest in the patients own hands. We have members with Anaphylaxis. Details on this very serve life threatening condition appear below. So to assist athletes with this condition we have introduced the following rule:
Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction and is potentially life threatening. It must be treated as a medical emergency, requiring immediate treatment and urgent medical attention. Anaphylaxis is a generalized allergic reaction, which often involves more than one body system (e.g. skin, respiratory, gastro-intestinal, cardiovascular). A severe allergic reaction usually occurs within 20 minutes of exposure to the trigger and can rapidly become life threatening.
What causes Anaphylaxis?
Common triggers of anaphylaxis include:
Milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, fish, crustaceans and soy are the most common food triggers, which cause 90% of allergic reactions, however, any food can trigger anaphylaxis. It is important to understand that even trace amounts of food can cause a life-threatening reaction. Some extremely sensitive individuals can react to even the smell of a food (
Insect Venom
Bee, wasp and jumper ant stings are the most common causes of anaphylaxis to insect stings. Ticks and fire ants also cause anaphylaxis in susceptible individuals.
Medications, both over the counter and prescribed, can cause life threatening allergic reactions. Individuals can also have anaphylactic reactions to herbal or ‘alternative’ medicines. Other Other triggers such as latex or exercise induced anaphylaxis are less common and occasionally the trigger cannot be identified despite extensive investigation.
NO MEMBER Whether child or adult takes food onto the track/ field area. Your assistance in this matter is required at all times.
ANAPHYLAXIS – Signs and Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis may occur almost immediately after exposure or within the first 20 minutes after exposure. Rapid onset and development of potentially life threatening symptoms are characteristic markers of anaphylaxis. Allergic symptoms may initially appear mild or moderate but can progress rapidly. The most dangerous allergic reactions involve the respiratory system (breathing) and/or cardiovascular system (heart and blood pressure). Common Symptoms
– Mild to moderate allergic reaction
– Tingling of the mouth
– Hives, welts or body redness
– Swelling of the face, lips, eyes
– Vomiting, abdominal pain
Severe allergic reaction- ANAPHYLAXIS
– Difficulty and/or noisy breathing
– Swelling of the tongue
– Swelling or tightness in the throat
– Difficulty talking or hoarse voice
– Wheeze or persistent cough
– Loss of consciousness and/or collapse
– Pale and floppy (young children)
Eating on the competition area can only put these children at further risk as food scraps can easily be dropped onto the field that these children’s hands come in contact with! This could kill them! These children are burdened with not being able to make a choice on some foods they can eat, please don’t make them lose the choice on what sports they play!
Reprinted in association with LAANSW in an endeavour to assist all Centre Officials, Key Assistants, First Aid Personnel, and especially all parents of Little Athletes, to ensure any/all heat related problems are rectified before any major catastrophe occurs.
Little Athletics is a sport conducted primarily in the summer months, including spring and early autumn. Thus, attention needs to be given to heat stress management.
Heat-related illness is a risk (albeit small) to all athletes. The risk is increased in hot (particularly humid) weather, is greater in distance events and is accentuated by insufficient fluid intake.The risk is greater in summer, but it must not be overlooked that it may also occur in spring, autumn and winter (primarily in distance events). Children with specific underlying illnesses (fibrocystic disease, intercurrent infection, e.g. a child who competes when unwell, to name two) are at increased risk. Heat-related illness refers to a spectrum from heat cramp, heat syncope, heat exhaustion through to heat stroke. Heat stroke is serious and life threatening.
The features range through dizziness, faintness, staggering or stumbling gait, dazed appearance and disorientation to drowsiness and even unconsciousness. Some of these features may be present in children who are tired and not suffering from heat-related illness. Heat-related illness can occur in short distance and field events on hot days (as well as distance events) and in distance events on milder days.
Heat-related illness is primarily caused by three factors: (a) the heat of the day increases body temperature. (b) exercise increases body heat. (c) lack of adequate fluid intake impairs heat loss (sweating).
1. For parents: (a) Children must be given 150ml to 200ml hourly while at a carnival (whether or not they are in a 1500m or 3000m). (b) Children should not sit or play in the sun, except for brief periods. (c) Children should not compete if unwell, particularly if febrile.
2. For carnival organisers:
(a) Carnival organisers should regularly give additional warnings for parents and children regarding 1(a) and 1(b) when the ambient temperature is greater than 25 Deg C, particularly if there is high humidity.
(b) Carnival organisers should not run and event 3000m or more unless the ambient temperature is less than 30 Deg C, particularly if there is high humidity.
(c) Carnival organisers should provide fluids (water) on the track, available to all competitors if the ambient temperature is greater than 25 Deg C.
(d) A 1 hour (or longer) break occur in the middle of the day if the ambient temperature is greater than 29 Deg C .