

Weekly Programs

Friday 14 February 2025:

We are running our Week 3 program. We will keep you up to date about any effects the weather might have on the carnival using the our social media platforms at 5pm, so please keep an eye out.


As always, we encourage our members to make their own decision about attending the carnival in the case of extreme weather conditions.


Safety At the Track:

  • The grassed area on the inside of the track is strictly out of bounds (no standing there, or crossing the area permitted)
  • No parents, athletes or age controllers are to stand or walk along the straights on the inside of the track
  • Please do not cross the track on the straights
  • We take safety seriously. Repeat offenders will be asked to leave the centre.

Tots – 9s:

  • Meet at tubs in the middle of the field for a warm up at 5:30 pm
  • First event starts at 5:45 pm sharp



  • Meet at tubs in grandstand at 6:00 pm
  • Please remain off competition area until called to Block 2 events


Week 1Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4Block 5Block 6
Tots100mActivity 1Activity 2Activity 3
6B100mVortex300mLong Jump
6G100mLong jump300mDiscus
7B100mLong Jump500mShotput
7G100mShotput500mLong Jump
8B100mIntro to Scissor JumpTurbo Jav700m
8G100mDiscus700mIntro to Scissor jump
9B100mLong JumpTurbo Jav800m
9G100mShotputLong Jump800m
10B100mLong Jump800mShotput
10G100mTurbo Jav800mLong Jump
11B100mDiscus400mLong Jump
11G100mLong Jump400mDiscus
12BHigh Jump100mShot Put400m
12GShot Put100mHigh Jump400m
13s-14sJavelin100mLong Jump400m3000m
15s - opensTriple Jump100mShot Put400m3000m (5000m on demand)



Week 2Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4Block 5Block 6Block 7
Tots50mActivity 2Activity 3200m PS
6B50mLong Jump300m PSShot Put
6G50mShot Put300m PSLong Jump
7B50mDiscus500m PSLong Jump
7G50mLong Jump500m PSDiscus
8B60mHShot Put400mLong Jump
8G60mHLong Jump400mTurbo Jav
9B700m Walk60mHScissor Jump400mShot Put
9G700m Walk60mHTurbo Jav400mScissor Jump
10B60mHLong Jump400mDiscus1100m Walk (combined)
10G60mHDiscus400mLong Jump1100m Walk (combined)
11BJavelin80mHTriple Jump800m1100m Walk (combined)
11GHigh Jump80mHShot Put800m1100m Walk (combined)
12BLong Jump80mHJavelin800m60m1500m Walk (combined)
12GJavelin80mHLong Jump800m60m1500m Walk (combined)
13s-14sDiscus90mH (13s, 14G)/100mH (14B)Triple Jump800m60m1500m Walk (combined)
15s - opensHigh Jump90/100/110mHDiscus800m60m1500m Walk (combined)



Week 3Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4Block 5Block 6
Tots70m Front StraightActivity 2Activity 3Activity 4
6B200mDiscus - Cage 170m Back StraightLong Jump - Pit 2a + pack up LJ pit 2
6G200mLong Jump - Pit 1a70m Back StraightVortex (area 1) + pack up vortex
7B200mVortex70m Back StraightLong Jump - Pit 1a + pack up LJ pit 1
7G200mLong Jump - Pit 1b70m Back StraightVortex (area 2) + pack up vortex
8B200mDiscus Cage 270m Back StraightLong Jump - Pit 2b + pack up LJ pit 2
8G200mLong Jump - Pit 2a70m Back StraightShotput - SP 2 +pack up SP 2
9B70m Back StraightLong Jump - Pit 2b200mDiscus - Cage 1 (and 2)
9G70m Back StraightLong Jump - Pit 3aDiscus - Cage 1 (and 2)200m
10B70m Back StraightScissor Jump200mTurbo Jav + pack up turbo jav
10G70m Back StraightShot Put - SP 1200mScissor Jump + pack up scissor jump
11B1500mShot Put - SP 2200mHigh Jump + pack up HJ100m
11G1500mTriple Jump - Pit 3b200mJavelin + pack up javelin100m
12B1500mTriple Jump - Pit 4a200mDiscus - Cage 1 + pack up discus 1100m
12G1500mTriple Jump - Pit 2b200mDiscus - Cage 2 + pack up discus 2100m
13s-14sHigh Jump200mShot Put SP1 + Pack up SP 113s - 200mH (4 lanes)
14s - 300mH (4 lanes)
15s - opensJavelin200mLong Jump - Pit 2a + pack up LJ Pit 2300mH/400mH (3 lanes)1500m


Copies of the weekly programs can also be downloaded:

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3


Event information sheets:




Long Jump

Triple Jump

High Jump

Hurdles  Note: u11 and u12s now do 80m Hurdles

